IGCSE Maths Past Papers

CIE (9-1) 0980

The past papers for the current CIE IGCSE Maths (9-1) syllabus can be found here. All the available exam past papers are listed below. As this is a relatively new syllabus, the number of past papers are limited. You can download or view the IGCSE Maths CIE (9-1) past papers and mark schemes by clicking on the links below.

You can also use past papers from the old syllabus to practice with, but be aware that some topics have been removed in the new syllabus, therefore some questions might not be relevant.

Key Dates
  • 1399
  • 3
Current syllabuses
Old syllabuses
Year Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4
Specimen 1
Specimen 2

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