Describe the Haber process as a reversible reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia
Predict how the rate of attainment of equilibrium is affected by:
a) changes in temperature
b) changes in pressure
c) changes in concentration
d) use of a catalyst
Explain how, in industrial reactions, including the Haber process, conditions used are related to:
a) the availability and cost of raw materials and energy supplies
b) the control of temperature, pressure and catalyst used produce an acceptable yield in an acceptable time
Recall that fertilisers may contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds to promote plant growth
Describe how ammonia reacts with nitric acid to produce a salt that is used as a fertiliser
Describe and compare:
a) the laboratory preparation of ammonium sulfate from ammonia solution and dilute sulfuric acid on a small scale
b) the industrial production of ammonium sulfate, used as a fertiliser, in which several stages are required to produce ammonia and sulfuric acid from their raw materials and the production is carried out on a much larger scale (details of the industrial production of sulfuric acid are not required)