IGCSE Maths Specification

Edexcel B 4MB1

Section 10: Statistics and probability

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Graphical representation of numerical data

To include bar charts, pie charts and histograms

Cumulative frequency graphs are excluded


Determination of the mean, median and mode for a discrete data set


Calculation of an estimate of the mean of a larger number of quantities given in grouped frequencies

Questions involving weighted or moving means will not be set


Determination of a modal class and the class containing the median for grouped data


Understand the language and basic concepts of probability

To include the probability scale, sample spaces, relative frequency, probabilities and complements


Use of addition rule for two or more mutually exclusive events

Knowing that when \(A\) and \(B\) are mutually exclusive events,

\(P(A\text{ or }B)=P(A)+P(B)\)


Use of product rule for two or more independent events

Knowing that when \(A\) and \(B\) are independent events,

\(P(A\text{ and }B) = P(A) × P(B)\)


Determination of the probability of two or more independent events

The use of tree diagrams will be expected


Using simple conditional probability for combined events


Finding very simple conditional probability

The notation \(P(A|B)\) will not be used


Understand and use the term ‘expected frequency’