A-Level Biology Specification

Edexcel B 9BI0

Section 6.7: Response to infection

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Know the mode of action of macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes.


Understand the development of the humoral immune response, including the role of:

- antigen presenting T cells
- T helper cells and cytokines
- B cells
- clonal selection
- plasma cells
- antibodies.


Understand the development of the cell-mediated immune response including the role of:

- antigen presenting cells
- T helper cells and cytokines
- T killer cells.


Understand the role of T and B memory cells in the secondary immune response.


Understand how immunity can be natural or artificial, and active or passive.


Understand how vaccination can be used in the control of disease and the development of herd immunity.


Understand the potential issues in populations where a proportion choose not to vaccinate.