A-Level Biology Specification

Edexcel B 9BI0

Section 2.3: Eukaryotic cell cycle and division

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Know that the cell cycle is a regulated process in which cells divide into two identical daughter cells, and that this process consists of three main stages: interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis.


Understand what happens to genetic material during the cell cycle, including the stages of mitosis.


Understand how mitosis contributes to growth, repair and asexual reproduction.


Understand how meiosis results in haploid gametes, including the stages of meiosis.


Understand that meiosis results in genetic variation through recombination of alleles, including independent assortment and crossing over.


Understand what chromosome mutations are, as illustrated by translocations.


Understand how non-disjunction can lead to polysomy, including Down’s syndrome, and monosomy, including Turner’s syndrome.