A-Level Biology Specification

OCR B H422

Section 5.2.1: The nervous system and the identification and consequences of damage

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(i) the organisation of the somatic and autonomic nervous system in humans

(ii) practical observations of nervous tissue using a light microscope

To include the use of diagrams, photomicrographs and electron micrographs to show the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system.


the structure and function of the human brain

To include the use of diagrams, photomicrographs and electron micrographs of the locations of the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and pituitary gland and the functions of each area.


the structure of motor, sensory and relay neurones

To include the use of diagrams, photomicrographs and electron micrographs to show axons, dendrons and dendrites, cell surface membrane and cell body, myelin sheath and nodes of Ranvier.


the establishment of the resting potential and the transmission of the action potential in neurones

To include the interpretation of graphs showing changes in membrane potential, the significance of the myelin sheath and the refractory period in the transmission of nerve impulses.


the structure and function of synapses in integrating responses in the nervous system

To include the role of neurotransmitters in excitatory and inhibitory post synaptic potential.


(i) the nature of a reflex arc, the use of reflexes and the differences when compared to a reaction

(ii) practical investigations into reflexes in humans

Reflexes to include the use of the blink reflex, iris reflex and plantar reflex in assessing nervous system damage and levels of consciousness AND the use of the Student’s t-test in investigations of the factors affecting reaction time.

(iii) practical investigations into factors affecting reaction times



the use of brain scans in assessing brain and spinal cord damage

To include the assessment of traumatic brain injury and strokes and scans to include CT, MRI, fMRI and PET scans and EEGs.


the consequences of brain and spinal cord damage

To include effects on memory, motor skills, speech and hormonal imbalance and the ethical consequences of establishing brain death should be discussed.


the use of drugs to modify brain activity and function

To include the therapeutic use of drugs, such as dopamine for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and the effect of heroin, cannabis, methamphetamine and alcohol on synapse activity in the brain.


psychological and physical drug dependency

To include the biological basis of dependency and the consequences of dependency on individuals and society.