A-Level Maths Specification

OCR B (MEI) H640

Section 17: Models and quantities

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Know the language used to describe simplifying assumptions in mechanics.

Including the words: light; smooth; uniform; particle; inextensible; thin; rigid; long term.


Understand and use the particle model.


Understand and use fundamental quantities and units in the S.I. system: length, time, mass.

Metre (\(m\)), second (\(s\)), kilogram (\(kg\)).

Fundamental S.I. units


Understand and use derived quantities and units: velocity, acceleration, force, weight.

Metre per second (\(m~s^{-1}\)), metre per second per second (\(m~s^{-2}\)), newton (\(N\)).

Derived S.I units


Understand and use derived quantities and units: moment.

Newton metre (\(N~m\)).

Derived S.I units