distances measured in astronomical unit (AU), light-year (ly) and parsec (pc)
stellar parallax; distances the parsec (pc)
the equation \(p = \dfrac{1}{d} \) where p is the parallax in seconds of arc and d is the distance in parsec
the Cosmological principle; universe is homogeneous, isotropic and the laws of physics are universal
Doppler effect; Doppler shift of electromagnetic radiation
Doppler equation \(\dfrac{Δλ}{λ} ≈ \dfrac{Δf}{f} ≈\dfrac{v}{c} \) for a source ofelectromagnetic radiation moving relative to an observer
Hubble’s law; \(v ≈ H_0d\) for receding galaxies, where H0 is the Hubble constant
model of an expanding universe supported by galactic red shift
Hubble constant H0 in both kms–1Mpc–1 and s–1 units
the Big Bang theory
experimental evidence for the Big Bang theory from microwave background radiation at a temperature of 2.7 K
the idea that the Big Bang gave rise to the expansion of space-time
estimation for the age of the universe;
\(t ≈ H_0^{-1} \)
evolution of the universe after the Big Bang to the present
current ideas; universe is made up of dark energy, dark matter, and a small percentage of ordinary matter.